A big thank you to all of you who attended our “Come for Coffee, Stay for Lunch” event on April 30, 2022 at Pioneer Valley Barn in Parkland County. We are truly blessed to be able to serve you and help you steward the resources God has given you.
Our give away was 200-gram packages of coffee from Good Neighbour Coffee, who also brewed up some specialty coffee for the event. Good Neighbour Coffee pays farmers directly at prices almost 50% above New York coffee trade prices. They are currently working with local missionaries in Olancho, Honduras. Rick & Joyce Abma, proprietors of Good Neighbour Coffee, are serious about their personal relationship with these farmers. The farms have grown to include almost 250 workers, who now sort their product for the excellent green beans that are fresh roasted by Good Neighbour Coffee. Not only is Good Neighbour Coffee organic, fair trade, direct trade and locally and freshly
roasted, all proceeds are shared by the workers in Honduras and by "Neighbourhood Life", a central Alberta ministry that brings neighbourhoods together for Christ. We still have packages available, so if we are meeting in person in the next few months, we can provide you with a package. Otherwise call or stop by if you would like one. If you would like to order your own coffee, check out https://goodneighbourcoffee.ca/