Friendship Group is a community of friends…members with cognitive impairments, mentors, and leaders…growing together in their relationship with God and with each other. Together, they celebrate God’s love through songs and stories and through fellowship with each other.
One group meets Monday evenings at the Covenant Christian Reformed Church, in Edmonton, AB. This group has been meeting for over 30 years. The meetings start in the church sanctuary with singing which is followed by a Bible story or faith lesson. Afterwards, they file into the church gym together where they are greeted by kitchen helpers with snacks which all enjoy! Then in groups of mentors and friends, they do a follow up lesson or special craft. Every fifth meeting or so, they attend a special event...a games night, a dance evening, a Christmas Banquet, or a talent night.
Post-pandemic, the Covenant Friendship Group has approximately 40 attending friends, 4 leaders, 2 kitchen helpers, and 20-30 mentors. Some of our Lighthouse clients are or have been a part of this remarkable organization.
When I asked Pat Vos, Bible Storyteller, why she is involved in Friendship Group she says that “simply because God has called me to tell his wonderous stories and I find such joy in doing so.” She continues “Our friends' smiles tell us they so appreciate the time we spend together; they display such joy as they sing songs together, and most listen so attentively to the stories, and love being engaged in crafts. Our prayer for each friend is that they know how much God loves them and that He's got each one in His hands.”
Wow…what a beautiful community where God’s light shines brightly! Thank you to all who have or currently participate in such a wonderful community.