17 December, 2019 Events

Client Appreciation Event, Friday November 1, 2019: Explore Edmonton's Military Heritage

“I didn’t know this museum existed,” “well done”, were some of the comments from over one hundred clients and friends who attended the 4th annual Client Appreciation Event held at The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Military Museum on November 1, 2019. The Museum...

17 December, 2019 Events

Emmanuel Home Visit - November 7, 2019

It was great to meet old friends and make some new ones during a coffeehouse presentation on Estate Planning at Emmanuel Home. We discussed what a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Personal Directive are and the necessity of having them in place. We...

30 September, 2019 Events

2019 Community Involvement

Combining summer, golf, fundraising, food and fellowship, Lighthouse Financial & IPC Investment Corporation were pleased to be hole sponsors at the following golf tournaments....

11 May, 2019 Events


In January 2019 I was blessed to participate for the second time in a work/mission project with a group sponsored by West End Christian Reformed Church, Edmonton and supported by World Renew and Diaconia Nacionel de Honduras. The work was more physical...

23 November, 2018 Events

Client Appreciation Event, November 23: A Walk-Through Alberta Aviation History

Client Appreciation Event, November 23: A Walk-Through Alberta Aviation History...

23 October, 2018 Events

A Great Combination: Golf & Fund Raising

Lighthouse Financial and IPC Investment Corporation were honored to be Hole Sponsors at four charity golf tournaments. ...

22 December, 2017 Events

“A Night at the Muttart” Client Appreciation Event, November 30

Thank you to the approximate 130 clients and friends who came to “A Night at the Muttart” Client Appreciation event held Thursday, November 30, 2017....

08 November, 2017 Events

Involved in Our Community

Lighthouse Financial and IPC Investment Corporation were pleased to sponsor a number of events in our community:...

14 June, 2017 Events

27th Annual Rehoboth Golf Classic, Stony Plain, AB – Saturday, June 3, 2017

On a beautiful Saturday about 120 golfers gathered to enjoy the game of golf and support Rehoboth Christian Ministries. Rehoboth’s mission is to “Serve people with disabilities. Helping them Flourish.”...