23 October, 2018 Events

A Great Combination: Golf & Fund Raising

Lighthouse Financial and IPC Investment Corporation were honored to be Hole Sponsors at four charity golf tournaments. ...

23 October, 2018 Special Reports and Newsletters

Bloom Where You are Planted: Dirk and Mary Kos

It is a great privilege for us, Dirk and Mary Kos, to share a part of our life with you that has made a tremendous impact on us....

27 April, 2018 Financial Planning

Planner’s Corner: Travel, Traffic and Construction Zones

Recently we’ve seen an increase in volatility in the stock markets which has impacted investors taking some risk to get a higher return....

26 January, 2018 Special Reports and Newsletters

Bloom Where You are Planted: Jim’s Honduras Mission Trip

From Jan 10 – 18, I was one of a group of ten that mixed concrete and helped build latrines and pila’s (water storage) and developed relationships in Honduras. The trip was sponsored by West End Christian Reformed Church, Edmonton and supported by Wo...

22 December, 2017 Events

“A Night at the Muttart” Client Appreciation Event, November 30

Thank you to the approximate 130 clients and friends who came to “A Night at the Muttart” Client Appreciation event held Thursday, November 30, 2017....

21 December, 2017 Special Reports and Newsletters

Bloom Where You are Planted: Rick Abma: Neighbourhood Life

After 19 years as a youth pastor and with the encouragement of family and friends, Rick Abma took a leap of faith about three years ago and became a full time missionary to his neighbours in Lacombe Alberta....

10 November, 2017 Special Reports and Newsletters

Bloom Where You are Planted: Sea-to-Sea: Frank de Boer & Ted Schenk

Frank de Boer and Ted Schenk, two Lighthouse Financial and IPC Investment Corporation clients, decided to bike 7,000 km from Sea-to-Sea (Pacific to Atlantic) for nine weeks and two days this summer....

09 November, 2017 Financial Planning

Planner's Corner: Return on Life

One of the speakers I had the pleasure of hearing at IPC’s annual conference in September was Mitch Anthony. Mitch, based in Rochester, Minnesota, is the founder and president of Advisor Insights and the Financial Life Planning Institute....

08 November, 2017 Events

Involved in Our Community

Lighthouse Financial and IPC Investment Corporation were pleased to sponsor a number of events in our community:...

14 June, 2017 Events

27th Annual Rehoboth Golf Classic, Stony Plain, AB – Saturday, June 3, 2017

On a beautiful Saturday about 120 golfers gathered to enjoy the game of golf and support Rehoboth Christian Ministries. Rehoboth’s mission is to “Serve people with disabilities. Helping them Flourish.”...