Socially Responsible Investing


We advocate Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) approach to investing. SRI is the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment decision-making process. It's more than investing in wind turbines or solar panels. It goes beyond screening out "bad companies" such as tobacco, weapons and nuclear. It marries traditional financial analysis with ESG analysis uncovering hidden risks that may not be reflected in financial statements. It's an extra layer of risk protection for portfolios. And it does not stop there as these companies are then actively engaged on the investor's behalf to help affect positive change. It's a smarter way to invest focusing on making money over the long term while making a difference in the world.

Our preferred fund company is NEI Investments. For over 25 years, NEI Investments has endeavoured to prove that it's possible to invest with a conscience as they strongly believe that companies that combine strong financial performance and rigorous Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) practices can deliver superior risk-adjusted returns over the long-term. NEI Investments tag line is “Make money. Make a Difference”. 

Click here to check out more information about NEI Investments.